
De software packages DENS and MIND were developed at the Academic Center for Epileptology, Kempenhaeghe (ACE), as part of, respectively, the Devices for NeuroControl and NeuroRehabilitation (DeNeCor) project that has received funding from ENIAC Joint Undertaking (grant no. 692470) and the “Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health” (ASTONISH) project that has received funding from ECSEL Joint Undertaking (grant no 692470).
The intellectual ownership of both DENS and MIND was transferred in the second half of 2018 to the Foundation: Clinical Neuro-Science projects (CNSp). ACE, as partner in the ASTONISH project, subcontracted CNSp for further development of the software packages DENS and MIND, such that these packages meet the requirements for easy clinical use in support of the presurgical work-up of epilepsy patients.