Interplay between

Stephan Meesters

Albert Colon

Susan Bowyer

Menno Noorlander
The Team
Clinical Neuro-Science projects (CNSp) acts as a platform and connects to professionals in the field if there is a need for specific expertise to fulfill the requirements of a project CNSp is working on. However, some of the professionals who act as key figures in the organization are listed here.

Pauly Ossenblok (Chair) – middle
Dr. Pauly P.W. Ossenblok received her MSc. degree in experimental physics (major in medical physics) in 1986 and acquired her PhD in experimental physics (visual system analysis) in 1992 at the Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute (currently Netherlands Institute of Neuroscience or NIN) in Amsterdam. Since then she is working as a medical physicist, focusing on Research & Development of brain imaging techniques and the application of these techniques for patient studies, mainly in epilepsy.
She is the driving force behind CNSp, with as main goal to bridge the gap between brain imaging developments and daily clinical applications in order to improve minimally invasive treatment of patients with brain diseases.
Michelle van de Scheur (Secretary) – left
Mr. Michelle van de Scheur received her MSc. of law in 2001 at the University of Leiden. After finishing her studies she worked at the Immigration and naturalization organization and at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. Currently, she is employed as a Judicial coordinator for the Raad voor Rechtsbijstand (Legal Aid), specialized in the field of asylum.
Michelle acts as secretary in the board of directors and handles the legal issues of CNSp.
Ronald Keijzer (Treasurer) – right
Dr. Ronald Keijzer received his MSc. in mathematics and psychology in 1985 at the University of Amsterdam and his PhD in mathematics education in 2003 at VU university. Ronald is professor of applied sciences in primary mathematics education. His research focus is pre-service and in-service teacher education.
Within CNSp, Ronald is treasurer and has control over the incoming and outgoing cash flow of the Foundation.
Stephan Meesters (Computer scientist)
Dr. Stephan Meesters received his Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2013 at the Biomedical Image Analysis group of the Eindhoven University of Technology. In 2018 he received his PhD at the Centre for Analysis, Scientific computing and Applications group, part of the department of Mathematics & Computer Science (CASA) at Eindhoven University of Technology, in close collaboration with the Academic Center for Epileptology Kempenhaeghe.
Currently he is as post-doc involved in the introduction of new imaging techniques in the clinical workflow for treating patients that require brain tumor surgery.
Within CNSp, Stephan uses his expertise to further develop the multi-modality imaging software packages (MIND and DENS) in order to meet the requirements for daily and easy clinical use of the software.
Albert Colon (Clinical counselor)
Dr. A.J. Colon received his MD in Neurology and in Clinical Neurophysiology in 2000 in The Netherlands and acquired his PhD in medicine (MEG and MRI in diagnosing epilepsy) in 2017 in Gent, Belgium. Albert is specialized in epilepsy, mainly in presurgical analysis. He is in the Netherlands one of the initiators of performing SEEG (stereo-EEG, multiple depth electrodes to intra-cerebrally analyze epilepsy and brain functions) and of RadioFrequent Thermocoagulation for epilepsy.
Albert was responsible for the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit of the Academic Center of Epileptology, Kempenhaeghe, during the development of the multi-modal imaging and the depth electrode analyses software (MIND and DENS). He is continuously willing to use his expertise to support the development of the software in the direction of easy clinical use for minimally invasive treatment of epilepsy.
Susan Bowyer (Neuro-Scientist)
Dr. Susan Bowyer received her Biomedical Physics degree at Oakland University in 1998. Currently she is the Scientific Director of the Neuromagnetism Lab at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, USA. She is also an Associate Professor at Oakland University where she teaches Physics and an Assistant Professor at Wayne State University Medical School. Susan was successfully involved in neuroscientific research areas, such as dystonia, tumor, autism, schizophrenia and panic disorders. At Henry Ford Hospital, Susan is closely collaborating with neuro(physio)logists and neurosurgeons on the presurgical work-up of epilepsy patients.Dr. Susan Bowyer is giving her valuable feedback on the clinical utility of the multimodality software of CNSp, used at Henry Ford for the visualization of the medical imaging datasets (MRI, PET, MEG and EEG) obtained prior to a surgical resection.
Menno Noorlander (Marketing)
Menno Noorlander is a business developer and entrepreneur who’s knowledge was crafted in the clinical and neuroscience setting. He is also the founder of the valorization and guidance company NexusNorth, and the Neurological diagnostic devices company NeuroStim.
Menno utilizes his entrepreneurial spirit and extensive commercial background for setting up business and distribution channels while also being in charge of the global sales and marketing portfolio of CNSp.